Your guide and tips for a successful career

Find Your Feet in a New Job

Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 At 2:34 AM

The first weeks of a new job can be a perilous time. Your new colleagues will be checking you out and trying to figure out what you’re like as a person. And, trust me, they’ll be talking about you behind your back.

Your first 90 days will determine the rest of your career within that company.

So how can you avoid starting off on the wrong foot?

  • Ask lots of questions. Don’t assume that what used to be acceptable behavior in your old company will also be acceptable in your new company. So ask to make sure that people mean the same things as you do. And don’t worry about people thinking you’re stupid at all, because they’ll appreciate that you’re keen to learn.
  • Focus on building relationships rather than completing tasks. Although it’s important to do a good job and do your work correctly, it’s vital for you to concentrate on getting on with the people you work with. Ask their advice, listen to their opinions. And try to take every opportunity to socialize with them in order to get on their side.
  • Tackle problems sensitively. When misunderstandings do arise, apologize for them. More often than not, misunderstandings will usually be a failure on your part to understand what is acceptable in the new company.
  • Wait before proposing radical ideas. You don’t want to offend anyone by trying to change or improve things too quickly. Wait until you have got good working relationships with the team before making those more revolutionary suggestions.

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